The Japanese feel the need to individually wrap everything, then wrap it in a paper bag & neatly seal it and give you a receipt. Even a postcard: already individually plastic wrapped (why???), then placed in a paper bag, folded over, sellotaped shut, and handed to me ceremoniously with the receipt. For which there was no conveniently located (or even inconveniently located) rubbish bin, so I had to carry the receipt around all day.
It's apparently extremely offensive to blow your nose in public. Rather, it's better to sniff continuously until you can hide yourself away from the world and do your dirty business in shame by yourself.
(on that note, I wonder how many Japanese people have glue ear?)
Japanese toilets. Sorry, but I find squatting and peeing quite undignified.
The western world: they know it exists, but they choose to ignore it. We slept on pillows filled with rice last night. Come to think of it, they were filled with rice at our last 2 hostels (incl the capsule hotel)
The coffee here is TERRIBLE.
Why must they cuten and cartoonise everything??? Even Mt Fuji has been immortalised as a blue fluffy soft toy character that's available as a handbag, keychain, plush soft toy (in several sizes), socks, t-shirts, you name it. (pic from Google). And of course there's a girl Mt Fuji to go with it (it's pink)

And my favourite, Engrish. It can be frustrating, but in the end it's very entertaining :D
rice pillows is healthy,it conform to your head and it absorb the moisture from your head while you are sleeping. very interesting your observations of the things foreign. love, Mum
ReplyDeletehahahah Only a few days and you'll be squatting over Thai squatty toilets and you'll be wondering where your bum washing, music playing Japanese toilets are. Pack your hankies!
ReplyDeleteHoi May Lee,
ReplyDeleteFantastisch wat jullie allemaal zien in Japan.
Lijkt mij heel mooi en sereen.
De goede koffie , die krijg je straks in Holland!!!
Morgen vertrekken wij naar Londen en zien we jouw moeder!!!!!Nico zal mooie foto's maken van de bruid en bruidegom.
Veel liefs en alvast voor jou....een hele fijne gezellige verjaardag op 4 mei!!!!!!