Thursday, January 27, 2011

Show me your passport, welcome to Zambia

Hi all, just a quick hello from the capital of Zambia! We crossed the border from Malawi yesterday and camped on the outskirts of Chipata, we're now making a 2-day driving mission to Livingstone, where the mighty Victoria Falls are located. The border crossing was... interesting, I've seen some hairy border crossings before, with large numbers of soldiers with AK-47s standing around (admittedly, looking bored), but this is the first time one of them boarded my bus to ask me what the suspicious-looking black pouch was underneath my clothes and would I please show the contents to him. This was obviously my money belt, with 2 passports and a considerable amount of USD in it. I was quaking in my jandals at this point, as in Kenya one of the girls had to hand over her passport for inspection and when she got it back all her money was gone. Luckily this time was relatively uneventful and after a brief pause in heart activity we were allowed to go on our merry way. This morning we experienced a killer 4am wakeup and a broken fan belt, but we're now only 10km and a grocery shop away from our campsite at a private game reserve on the outskirts of town.
Next update will come from Livingstone: waterfalls, white water rafting and natural wonders!

1 comment:

  1. Maximum Adrenaline and heart stopping experience,but good outcome in this latest border control. Looking forward to your next blog. xx.
