Saturday, January 16, 2010

49 working days to go

It's the new year and suddenly it seems a whole lot closer. Laura's countdown is less than 3 months now, with mine not far behind. Starting to get serious and looking at the last few major items on the checklist: travel insurance, new glasses/eye exam, dental checkup (let the good times roll).

I survived the test voyage aboard Windsong. Had a great sailing trip wth Bill & Yvonne out to Great Barrier Island and back, rough seas on the way over but beautiful once we got there, and nice & peaceful coming back. Discovered that "Sea Legs" anti-sea sickeness tablets actually put you to sleep quite promptly, despite rolling seas. That knowledge will be stored carefully for future use. Have already purchased some tablets.

Don't know how I'm going to live out of a pack for 6 months!! I refuse to slum it and use 2-in-1 shampoo & conditioner. Something else will have to stay behind.